Sweden has been the poster child of the pandemic. After almost three years, it’s as clear as it gets. Sweden did almost nothing, and they now have better results, than their direct neighbors Finland and Norway, when it comes to all-cause excess mortality.
‘Covidians’ often noted, that Sweden must be compared to their direct neighbors, and cited the first waves, where Sweden did worse than their neighbors as proof for the success of lockdowns. Of course lockdowns might only work in short term, but their long term effects are so bad, that they should never be used.
While Sweden has no rise in excess mortality since beginning of 2021, the excess mortality in the other countries is steadily on the rise.
While Sweden had some excess mortality early on, the other countries caught up about a year later, now surpassing Sweden.
And because I think that raw data is so important, and we must acknowledge that “excess mortality” is based on a model, here’s that:
While Sweden had one to two months of excess mortality, then returned to pre-pandemic baseline - there’s a steady lift in mortality in the other countries. This is a common effect, that can be seen everywhere where strict measures and lockdowns were implemented, such as Germany, UK and Spain.
You can find all charts by scanning the QR codes, or following this link: https://www.mortality.watch
Note: This article was updated on 2/10/2023 to incorporate new data and correct an issue with previously used models for excess mortality calculations.
Sweden was correct! I sent this on 15Dec2022 to our idiot/corrupt politicians and "bought" media:
"If we had treated COVID-19 like a normal flu with no lockdowns and no “vaccines”, like I recommended in March 2020, the Covid-19 virus would be extinct by now. Humanity would have developed herd immunity, as it has to multitudes of previous viruses and the alleged Covid-19 “crisis” would have ended months ago.
Competent epidemiologists have stated that you NEVER vaccinate into an epidemic, because the vaccines encourage the evolution of the variants – that is basic Darwinian biology. As long as we continue to use the Covid-19 vaccines, the virus will mutate and survive. Neither the Covid-19 lockdowns nor the “vaccines” were ever justified – they were a corrupt public health disaster and the most costly criminal medical malfeasance in human history."
I told you so three years ago:
I analysed the Covid-19 data in Feb2020 and on 21Mar2020 I published the following correct analysis:
Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.
This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”
All placebo in Sweden?